Welcome to the ViCS Lab,
Department of Political Science at the University of Florida
The ViCS Lab at the University of Florida aims to be a focal point for research at the frontier of knowledge on violence, conflict and security. Currently led by Professor David S. Siroky, it serves as a forum for faculty, students, visitors and practitioners to discuss and debate core issues, challenges and strategies in the study of violence and conflict around the globe. In addition to other activities, it hosts The ViCS Speaker Series during term time that showcases current cutting-edge work from junior and senior scholars.
The Florida Institute for National Security (FINS)
FINS is an interdisciplinary, cross-curricular entity that is galvanizing the robust research, education, and professional development efforts in AI already underway at UF towards the development of deployable, applied AI-based and and data science in support of the most prevailing national security challenges.